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Top tips for study success

Top tips for study success

Good study skills are needed to enable you to study and learn efficiently - they are an important set of transferable life skills. Here are some tips.

Get Organised
Getting organised is an important first step to effective study sessions. Having good time management can be key in your studies, as well as moving forward in your future career too!

Click here for an On-Demand Webinar on How to manage your time efficiently 

Find time to study
Managing your time badly can cause you to put together haphazard work in a very short time period, which can lead to stress and anxiety, as well as a drop in the quality of work submitted. Creating a suitable timetable and sticking to it can help in effective time management. 

Information Sources
Learn what is meant by, and the importance of, primary, secondary and tertiary documents and how you may source such information in a library or online. It is important to learn the type of referencing your university and course academics require from you. The most common forms of referencing are: Harvard and APA. Referencing and citing your sources is very important, and you may be flagged for plagiarism, if you don't do this correctly, so make sure you master this early on!

Writing Styles
By understanding different writing styles you can put what you read into perspective. There are multiple different forms of reports and academic essays, so if your course has a specific report template, learn how to use it as early as possible. 

Effective Reading
Discover ways that you can engage with your reading, form links, understand opinions and put ideas and research into perspective. Individuals all have different manners of learning and reading, so take a look at the different tips from experts on skim reading and other techniques. 

Click here for an On-Demand Webinar on 'How to Improve Your Grades With Outside of the Box Thinking' 

Final Touches
Before you submit your assignment for school, university or work, run through a series of final checks. Thorough proofreading is a very  important element if you want to submit a high level of work. Try and leave sufficient time between finishing the work, and the deadline for submission, so you can read through everything.  


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Suggested reading

Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University



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